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Clematis armandi

£69.99 inc. VAT

SKU: VH-CLEA Category: Tag:


Clematis armandi is a large, vigorous, evergreen climber with leathery, dark glossy green leaves up to 15cm long and an abundance of single, fragrant creamy-white flowers, up to 5-6cm across, with creamy stamens and hang in clusters in early to mid-spring.
This variety is perfect for growing against a sunny west or south-facing wall. Evergreen, it retains its glossy mid-green leaves throughout the year so it’s an excellent choice for screening walls, fences and pergolas.
This Clematis is in pruning group 1, which flower early in the year and should be pruned after flowering in mid to late spring.
Prefers full sun. Tolerates any soil condition as long as it’s moist and well drained.
Final height: 4-8m tall, 1.5-2.5m wide.