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Prunus laurocerasus

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SKU: VH-RBPRUL Category:


Also known as Cherry laurel or Common laurel, this shrub is mostly used for tall evergreen hedging. With glossy green leaves, in Spring it bears bright white fragrant blooms which are very popular for pollinating insects. After the flowers, berries form and turn bright red, almost cherry like, giving it its’ common name. Although toxic to humans the fruit are a good food source for birds.
This vigorous evergreen shrub can also be supplied as a pleached tree for above the fence screening. A popular choice for our clients looking for a brighter green alternative to other evergreens. Supplied as trees, potted shrubs or root-ball plants* (*in season) these shrubs are robust and will tolerate most soil conditions. Plant in moist and well-draining soil, full sun, or partial shade. It is fast growing, low maintenance and forms an efficient evergreen screen.
Good for birds and pollinators.
Mature Height: 4-8 metres