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Pyracantha ‘Golden Glow’

£69.99 inc. VAT

SKU: VH-PYRGG Category:


Pyracantha ‘Golden Glow’ is an upright and spreading evergreen shrub with eliptical leaves and spiny stems. Small white flowers are produced in late spring and early summer followed by clusters of golden orange berries which last throughout Autumn and into Winter, if the birds don’t get them first!
Best flowers and berries appear on 2nd year wood so prune to allow for future flowering and fruit production. Prune out unwanted growth and proportion of older wood post flowering.
Great for screening, its thorns act as a natural security barrier where defence is needed.
Perfect for hedges, fences and walls, we supply ours readily trained on a trellis.
Does well in a sheltered sunny or partial sun aspect.
Lightly prune where necessary, then mulch and feed.
Tolerates most soil conditions as long as it’s moist and well drained.
Final height: 2.5-4m tall, 1.5-2.5m wide.