Who says January has to be dull

Home » Who says January has to be dull

If January is feeling a little bit cold and dark after the excitement of Christmas, why not add some winter cheer to your garden. We have a range of plants that provide winter colour so there’s no need to wait for spring.

Winter flowering plants

Daphne ‘Spring Beauty’

Plant ideas for pots on the patio to brighten your winter view

If your garden is looking a little bleak there are many plants that can provide colour and scent at this time of year. As well as filling gaps in the garden, why not plant up some pots with permanent planting nearer the house to enjoy. For more information on how to make your patio pop <click here>

Using pots is also a great way to enjoy plants that may not like your soil, such as acid loving Skimmia, Pieris and Leucothoe. It’s worth investing in large, good quality pots and planting with John Innes no. 3 compost. Add plenty of drainage in the bottom and raise pots on ‘pot feet’ to ensure the soil doesn’t become waterlogged.

Potted Hellebores

Here at the Big Plant Nursery there are plenty of smaller evergreen shrubs suitable for our pots for instant colour around the house and patio. We are open seven days a week.