Prunus ‘Umineko’ is a cross between Prunus incisa and Prunus speciosa and won the Award of Merit in 1928. It is sometimes referred to as ‘Snow Goose’ and those after this variety should be comfortable with ‘Umineko’ instead. Some say this cherry has a utilitarian feel to it and as such is great for urban environments.
Its flowers are single and white, appearing in April with a flush of bright green foliage which turns flame red in autumn.
Prunus ‘Umineko’ has a narrow columnar form which broadens at maturity and like most cherries will thrive in all free draining soils. Avoid heavy clay and wet conditions.
This medium sized tree is vigorous and robust and will give a reliable performance. It has a lovely regular shape for a cherry and looks super when planted in gardens, parks or as an avenue.
This tree is good for bees and other pollinators.
Mature height: 5-8m