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Betula nigra

£319.99 inc. VAT

SKU: VH-BETN Category:


Betula nigra, also known as the River Birch or Red Birch is one of the best trees for wet soils. A highly impressive tree at maturity, it becomes a broadly pyramidal form as it ages, with diamond shaped, soft green foliage and shaggy, flaking cinnamon coloured bark.
This favourite, for wet and boggy sites, performs exceptionally well by river banks but has also been planted successfully in urban conditions and been seen thriving in arid London locations, making it an extremely versatile choice of tree for future planting. As temperatures in the UK continue to break records in summer months this tree becomes a good contender.
The River Birch is a large tree which is a good option for a difficult area when options are limited to less ornamental trees. It can be planted as a statuesque, single specimen, multistem or in groups to accentuate the qualities of the bark.
Mature height: 12-17m